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Made-to-Measure Curtains

Whether you’re looking for relaxed printed cotton for new curtains or exquisite embroidered skills to elevate your business, Prestigious Textiles is one of the most distinct fabric brands in the UK. They release multiple collections of new designs and colours each year, including a wide range of styles, ensuring there’s always something new and exciting. Designs range from stunning bold colours to more contemporary designs, customers have come to rely on Prestigious Textiles ingenuity when determining new ideas for home interiors. Schedule your free consultation today to learn more about our window solutions or to discuss our made-to-measure services.

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Prestigious Textiles Swatches

Agate Polar 3960 048
Agate Sandstone 3960 510
Annaliese Blush 3906 212
Annaliese Fawn 3906 103
Annaliese Ivory 3906 007
Annaliese Silver 3906 909
Apollo Crystal 4027 024
Apollo Mercury 4027 934
Apollo Neptune 4027 747
Apollo Rose Quartz 4027 234